Kubernetes Collection
Sumo Logic collection solution for Kubernetes. Collect data from Kubernetes clusters into Sumo Logic.

Docker Logging Plugin
New:The Docker logging driver plugin provides an agentless approach to collecting Docker container logs and forwarding to the Sumo Logic cloud-based service.

Sumo collectd Plugin
A collectd output plugin to send Carbon 2.0-formatted metrics to Sumo Logic.

Sumo Cloud Foundry Nozzle
Pivotal Cloud Foundry (PCF) Nozzle enabling you to send data to the Sumo Logic service.
Featured Blogs
New Repositories
Other Resources
Most recent Blogs:
- How Should We Monitor Docker Now?
- Collect Logs and Metrics from your Terraform Infrastructure
- How to Develop a CI Pipeline with Jenkins
- Building Java Microservices with the DropWizard Framework
- Using HTTP Request Builders to Create Repeatable API Workflows
- Managing Container Data Using Docker Data Volumes
Partner Integrations
Integrate Sumo Logic into your applications, access and manage data collectors, build your own search tools, and more using Sumo Logic APIs. Sumo Logic exposes APIs to access resources and log data from third-party scripts and applications, and also to configure Sources via JSON.