Welcome to Sumo Logic Experts - Here you'll find real-world solutions created by our customers, Sales Engineers and Customer Success teams. Feel free to contribute to this page.
Client applications, libraries, tools, and solutions from our expert teams
powerstrip-logfiles | Easily centralize log files from within a container when 'fat' containers make it difficult to log to stdout. |
Saltstack Formulas for Sumo Logic | Formulas are pre-written Salt States. These formulas can be used to setup the Sumo Logic service.- |
Sumo Logic JavaScript SDK for Logging | The Sumo Logic JavaScript Logging SDK library enables you to send custom log messages to an HTTP Source without installing a Collector on your server. |
Sumo Report Generator | Tool that allows a user to execute multiple searches, and compile the data into a single report. |
CloudWatch logs connector for SumoLogic | Beam CloudWatch logs to SumoLogic using AWS Lambda |
sumologic-aws-lambda-unzip | A Java Lambda function that can uncompress a zip file, read the files inside and send them to Sumo Logic. |
SumoKube | Sumo Logic daemon set for Kubernetes |
Hubot for Sumo Logic | Sumologic integration for Hubot |
Sumo Logic SDK in Ruby | The Ruby SDK ported from the Sumo Logic Python SDK, providing a Ruby interface to the Sumo Logic REST API. |
Useful Regular Expressions | A Collection of Useful Regular Expressions when searching logs using Sumo Logic |
Log Reflector” for AWS Lambda | Collect CloudWatch log groups and forward then to one centralizing Lambda function |
Manage with Puppet | Install and manage the Sumo Logic collector and its log sources with Puppet. |
Nodejs Client | A simple client implementation in node.js to send logs to Sumo Logic. |
Sumo Search for Ruby | A Ruby Gem that utilizes the Sumo Logic Search Job API and allows you to search logs from the command line. |
Sumo Control | Ruby Gem that allows to manage Sumo Logic collectors from the command line |
FER | A collection of useful field extraction rules. |
Puppet Module to install a Sumo collector | Sample tasks: 1. In Sumo, create Access ID/Key for collector registration. 2. Copy this module onto your Puppet Master module repository. 3. In Your puppet console, assign the Sumo class to your targeted nodes. |
CloudWatch to Sumo Logic | Python script to send CloudWatch logs to Sumo Logic |
Winston SNS Transport | Winston Transport for Amazon SNS specialized for JSON logs in Sumo Logic |